Tuesday, January 22, 2008

St. George

It looks like we will be staying awhile this time. Sloan and Johnny Bo have bolth began a new school year. Sloan started at Dixie College a few weeks ago and is doing really good. She is planing on being an RN. I think its a good plan. We could use the money and benefits and it wouldnt hurt to have a nurse in the house to take care of my sorry ass. Boden started his first year of preschool and is also doing really well. Last month he had his Christmas program and unlike his daddy he stole the show. He was the best one by far. He spoke and sang clearly with a big happy smile on his face. Jett doesnt like his big bro leaving and is very excited to pick him up but he gets his mama to his self for a few hours a day so they get to hang out and he is happy. So I guess we will be staying in St George for a while. We have been looking at houses and hope to buy one soon. I am sick of it being cold and cant wait for spring so we can start backpacking and camping every weekend.

Three Amigos- Bodie , Jettster & Me

I always kind of hoped my own kids would one day watch the three amigos with me. I did not expect them to like it as much, treat it with as much respect and reverence or memorize every single line like me and Tash did. Bodie boy picked it the other night to watch and him Jett have not stoped since. They have watched it 4 times in the last two days and bolth of them are all ready doing the amigo salute. I have not really watched the show for years but with those two little bugers getting into I have to say I'am once again loving it.