Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Vegas Baby

Vegas Vacation

Jonny Bo, Jett, Sloan and myself just got back from our "change" vacation. We had been throwing money in a jar for a couple year's now planning on using it for a vacation once it was full. We had hoped for something like Yellowstone but the total amount was only 300 hundred bones so Vegas it was. The first night we spent at the Exacilbur which Boden was pleased with since he got to sleep in a castle. We took the boy's to the shark reef at the Mandalay Bay and bolth boy's got a kick out of that. That night back at the castle was a little insane since neither kid had their afternoon nap and had been spoiled rotten all day. After a dinner of pizza, delivered to the room because there was no way in hell we were takin the little buggers out to eat, we yelled , wrestled and bullied bolth boy's to sleep. The next day we hit the Vegas Zoo. Yea, they have a zoo. Not very big and not very nice but they had a tiger a couple of lion's some monkeys and chickens that roamed free. So it was a good time watching Jett and Bodie chase chickens and pigons around the place. That night we got a room at Circus Circus which turned out to be a good choice because bolth boy's had a freakin blast playing all the carny games and winning bag fulls of stuffed animals. So it turns out Las Vegas was a pretty fun Vaction for a young little family. To all my critics out there I will have you know I didnt gamble or drink a dime. Nerves of steel? Nah, just a damn fine man.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Proud Boy


We dont have any job's. We dont have any money. We have no real prospects at that moment.
But by gawd we got a dog. Yup, we added another little puppy to the litter. That makes it 3 boy's under 3 that Sloan and I try and take care of. Smart choice? Probably not but Johnny Bo and Jett are pretty damn happy about it so it's allready worth it. It really is like we just added another boy to the family. I get mad at all three of them non stop for example: Pissin on the carpet, biting each other, whinning, bitchin , yellin, screamin, kickin, stinkin, sloberin. That's a few but far from all. They are all insanely cute though, so we wouldn't change it for anything. We thought maybe we could call Jett "Boog".
So then we would have a Bodie a Boog and a Boozer.