Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back from South Lake Tahoe

Well I rolled into Kanab Monday night more excited than I have been in a long damn time. Excited because I hadn't seen my wife and boy's for a little over a month. Something I hope will never happen again. I was able to bring them up for a couple week's during my first month and we had a great time. Played down at the lake and got to see some of the most beautiful places in the world. We even made a trip to Sacremento for no particular reason one weekend and ended up at the Zoo where the boy's had a hell of a time. Tasha made the trip over for a week and hung out with Sloan and the boy's while I worked. It had been almost a year since we had seen Tash so it was a well needed vist. Bolth of the boy's had a lot of fun with her, espeacially Bodie who latched on to her and didn't let go untill he flew out. Tash stayed a couple day's after my little family flew home wich helped take a little of the sting away. We took a really cool hike up to one of the area's many waterfall's one day and had fun hanging out with the vagrants and hippies at the Tahoe flea market the next. She flew home the next day and I settled into a rythme of work , fast food , cell phone, and casino's. I had hoped to do a lot of hiking after work and on the weekends but jacked up my foot pretty good and limped my ass around the remainder of the time. Wich consequently cost me a little cash because that left me with only food, gambling, and a couple concerts to kill the next month. I got to see Australian Pink Floyd in Reno my last weekend there and was blowin away. If you ever get the chance to see them do not miss it. As most of you have probably heard a lot of South Lake Tahoe and the surrounding area is now gone do to the Angora fire. Still have not heard if the job site I was working on is still there or not but the absolutely beautiful one lane road through the forrest I drove a couple times a day is now nothing but ash, along with the couple hundred cabins that hid through out. Although it sucked being away from my family that long I'am happy for the time I got to spend there. It was one pretty place. The fire did send me home a week early. Iam still waiting to hear if my boss is going to fly me back up to finish the job. Doestn't sound good though, just talked to them and they might be evacuated out of house where we had lived for the last two months. The pic of the smoke I took from downtown Myers just as the fire was getting started.