Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'v been itching in a bad way to get out and get lost in the canyons. I have a long distinguished list of places I would like to experience this summer. Mountains I would like to climb, dirt I would like to sleep in, rivers I would like to wade, red rock I would like to warm me as the sun comes up, petroglyphs to find, private property to sneak into, horrible dirt roads to drive, fish to catch, rattle snakes to dodge, fires to sit around, rain water to drink, adrenalin to shoot through me, cheap beer to guzzle, hidden desert gardens to discover, stars to gaze, people to avoid, slickrock to scramble, quicksand to fight, cold shitty food to eat, mummy bags to curl up in, sand in my eyes - I wish society would leave me with a little more time so I can try and squeeze some of this stuff in.


Anonymous said...

about sums it up for me.........

Anonymous said...
