Monday, October 20, 2008

Sowat Point

Saturday morning I took off from my in-law's house in Kanab with my minature thoroughbred Boozer and drove 70 miles to the top of Kaibab National Forrest almost to the north rim. We were heading for Sowat Point which look's down into Jumpup Canyon and Kanab Creek. I had read about a trail that drop's 2000 ft in one mile off this point down into the canyon's below but had never been to it. It was a cool morning , the temp reading 38 degree's but sunny and soon to be freakin hot. It was a pretty drive following narrow dirt road's though the forrest. After a little more than an hour of driving the tree's began to thin and the world opend into sky and big canyons. Looking to the South I could see where Kanab hit the Grand. Sweet view to say the least. I was dissapointed to see their were a couple truck's parked at the trailhead. It did look like their might be enough land down there for more than one person though so I put on my pack and started down. My plan was to drop off this point then from the bottom hike over a couple mile stretch and drop into Sowat Canyon which then hit Jumpup Canyon and finally into Kanab Creek where their is rumors of a beautiful spring where I planned to drink , swim and walk around naked for the rest of the weekend. Well that didn't happen. It was a good goal but unrealistic for only a one night trip. Plus I was not physically prepared for that 2000 ft drop with a full pack on. Damn trail was steep. My calves were thrashed and cramping and we were only half way. The sun was beating down by this time and it for damn sure was not 38 degree's anymore. At one point Boozer looked up at me & said " I think we should postpone this hike unitl this platoon is better rested". I agreed 100 % but we were almost down now and climbing back up this mother of a mountain was not an option. We made it down weak in the leg's and wobblin but other wise in good spirit. Luckily we found water quickly which I was worried about because I did not have enough to last me let alone the dog. After lookin over the topo I had of the area I knew I did not have the time or energy to get anywhere near Kanab so I made peace with this and spent the day hiking around the red rock play ground. Really cool place with pottery , flint and overhangs where although not much at all was left you could easily picture the Anasazi ruins that stood here. I had a perfect night with a perfect view and slept like a wore out dog in the dirt, with my wore out dog next to me. Oh, and the hike back out was a cake walk compared to coming down.


Anonymous said...

Kudos to you and your dog. Nice report.

Gordon's Blog said...

Sounds interesting to me. Your photos remind me of 150 mile canyon further south along the Grand Canyon. Fill me in on more details about this Point.

Anonymous said...

2 lucky dogs!