Monday, March 31, 2008

Water Canyon

This was my third trip into this canyon and it was just as sweet as the first two trips. The place is awesome. Sloan came with me on this one so it was really fun. It was her first time backpacking and she liked it more than I even thought she would. As far as the scenery their is not much to dislike. It is a beautiful canyon with a bunch of waterfalls and everything is pretty green this time of year. We actually got up into some snow as we neared the top but despite that and a cold wind we had a great time on top of the cliffs above Colorado City. The wind died down as the sun sat and gave us a couple really pleasant hours to sit around the fire and check out the stars. It was nice to crawl into the bags with my pretty wife instead of just a cold empty tent like I had the weekend before. We stayed up late playing cards, I talked her into a little strip poker but after I elbowed her in the eye and she kicked me in the somache we decided the two man tent wasnt quit big enough. Just kiddin , we played for matches. The next morning we hung out into the early afternoon playing around and eating breakfast before the wind picked up and brought in some threatening clouds. We were able to have a nice hike out and get to the truck before the rain started. It was a perfect trip. Sloan described backpacking perfectly. She said "its like medicine". I couldnt agree more. That is exactly what it is - sweet sweet medicine.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 08

This month was pretty nice. Jett and Sloan bolth had birthdays. Jett turned 2 years old and Sloan caught up to me at 26. The weather has been pretty sweet and we have been out of the freakin house for most of it. Not much has changed otherwise. I am still working against my will putting in an insane 40 hours a week. Well almost 40. Sloan is still going to Dixie College and still doing very well. I am proud of her. It has to be hard with a couple crazy little boys jumpin around at her feet while she trys to do homework-but it doesnt hurt to have a kickass husband like me for help. We about bought a house again and again it looks like it is going to fall through. We are bolth sick of it and will probably just rent something now and wait until Sloan graduates and we can move somewhere that people dont expect a half million for a piece of sheet house. Maybe Mexico.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Solo trip , Hack to Kanab

This was a cool trip. Much needed to, it felt good. I headed out late friday afternoon and made the drive out on the Arizona Strip. It was perfect weather and amazing views. I made camp in Hack Canyon about a quarter mile before it hit Kanab Creek. When the sun came up I climbed on top of the solid red rock mesa above Kanab and headed south towards the Colorado. I hiked for about five hours and saw a lot of incredible country. I found some really cool overhangs looking out over the canyons full of flint and a little potery where the Ancinet Ones had about as sweet as view as one could ask for while they smoked peyote and chipped away on arrows and spears. There is a lot of country to explore down there and I have only seen a small piece of it. The best part is it is pretty damn isolated. People do go but I have never seen a soul. With the 21 mile drive on the Toraweap road and then the nine mile drive down the ass kicking Hack road ,plus the hike down hack though basically flat , not easy. It is all in a dry rocky river bed and you can feel it. So it keeps a lot of shit heads out. Obviously not all though.

Camp - Flat Arch Cove

Feel Good Morning,,scribbles from outside the tent

Wake up to the sun heating my tent
Climb out in to the most refreshing
air my body has breathed in a long time
I look at the landscape that surrounds me..
I can not explain exactly what I feel -
It is all real, nothing artificial, nothing dead
No pavement , no cement, no box houses -
Nothing is sick, it all breathes...... beautiful life.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'v been itching in a bad way to get out and get lost in the canyons. I have a long distinguished list of places I would like to experience this summer. Mountains I would like to climb, dirt I would like to sleep in, rivers I would like to wade, red rock I would like to warm me as the sun comes up, petroglyphs to find, private property to sneak into, horrible dirt roads to drive, fish to catch, rattle snakes to dodge, fires to sit around, rain water to drink, adrenalin to shoot through me, cheap beer to guzzle, hidden desert gardens to discover, stars to gaze, people to avoid, slickrock to scramble, quicksand to fight, cold shitty food to eat, mummy bags to curl up in, sand in my eyes - I wish society would leave me with a little more time so I can try and squeeze some of this stuff in.
The world,
we are told,
was made for man,
a presumption
totally usupported
by the facts.
-John Muir