Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We celebrated a few hour's early so the boy's were still coherent. It has been a fun night with pizza, silly string, fireworks,movies, blow horn's and pot's and pan's. Bodie and Chubb's are fun kid's and know how to party. It look's like our baby girl is going to wait until 2009 to join our family. Happy Freakin New Year people.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Long winter's nap with my boy's

Sloan and the boy's playing in the snow while I was freezing my arse off at work


Cutting our tree on the Kaibab

Boden is out of school for the next two week's and I'am pretty damn jealous. I think we should all live at high altitudes, everybody get's two week's off for Christmas and at least a month off for summer. The boy's are really exctied for Christmas not only because of Santa but they are ready to see Papa Cj , Grandma Lisa , Aunt Tash and Uncle Boo. It should be fun. If thing's stay the same it might even be a white Xmas. It has been bloody cold here in St. George and we have a had a few inches on the ground that the boy's have had a blast playing in.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Kwagunt Hollow - Jumpup - Kanab Creek

We were driving through Hurricane at six oclock Saturday morning when the cop pulled us over. I was with Hubba, my old friend from my short stint in the Marine's and we were heading for the Kaibab Plateau where we planned to backpack into the Kanab Creek Wilderness. The cop was a pain in the ass but after he told me to fix my headlight and he got the green light from headquarter's that I had no warrant's or price tag's on my head we were on our way. We made it to the trailhead without further incident. We through our pack's on our back's and started down the jumpup-nail trail under clear blue skies and a chilly temp. We warmed up quickly as we dropped from the pines into the low desert. Once we hit the bottom we jumped straight into Kwagunt Hollow which we followed for a little over a mile. This red rock canyon was pretty with a little spring fed stream that ran over and under the smooth sandstone. We climbed over house sized boulder's and bypassed 30 foot waterfall's with clear pool's and yellow leafed cottonwood's. After more walking than we had guessed from studying the topo we finally hit Jumpup Canyon. We traveled five mile's down this beautifull canyon at which seemed record speed after the slow going through Kwagunt. Jumpup had a basically flat rocky river bottom with no large boulder's that allowed us to move quickly. Through most of this canyon the wall's on each side 10 to 15 ft up are so rock tumbled smooth that when the light hit's right they look wet. At this point we were racing the sun and moving at a brisk pace as we walked, talked, bitched and laughed about life. After a good half hour of wondering if or when this canyon would end suddenly and dramitcally a wall was in our way. We had hit Kanab Creeek. This is the lowest and closest to the Grand Canyon I have been in Kanab. The wall's are streaked red , sheer, intimidating and of course beautiful. We had come almost 8 miles over pretty rugged country and were bolth happy to slide our pack's to the dirt. After making camp , eating a simple dinner and staring into a whiskey lit fire we slept the pleasant and fullfilling sleep of isolation. The next morning was cold but not at all bitter. I lit the fire once more to catch a little warmth while we ate a quick breakfast.. After packing camp we swung our pack's into place on our back's a little more painfully this time and started the walk back to higher elevation. As usual the hike out was quicker even though our bodies felt half as strong as the day before. Eight mile's later and 16 miles total arriving at the truck and dumping our pack's for the last time we looked back at the top's of the rugged maze of canyon's below where we had only hour's before been in amazment.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Roastin hotdogs

I decided to cancel my backpacking trip this weekend since I will be going next weekend. Sloan pointed me in the direction of the guilt I would be feeling if I abandoned my family two weekend's in a row. I kid, I thought of that myself plus I had nowhere in particular to go anyway's. It was the correct choice because we have had a good time. Saturday we drove out to Snow Canyon and let the boy's hike around. They had a blast and only agreed to leave when we told them we would go get their dog and drive out by Gunlock and build a fire. Another fine choice even though the wind was blowing and Sloan and Jett got a little cold. It was an insanely pleasant way to spend the evening. We roasted marshmallows, hotdogs and drank beer while watching the sunset behind the red cliff's. Today while Sloan and the boy's were at church I headed back to Snow's for some more hiking. Tonight we plan on taking the boy's to see a movie. So all and all a kickass weekend.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

The coolest kid's in town

I love those two little buggers more than I can even say. Although I am nervous about the little baby girl that will be joining us soon , mostly because I have no idea what the hell to with a girl, I am looking forward to another kid to join our family. Sloan is doing awesome and getting big and still takin care of us all. I'm a lucky dude.

Sowat Point

Saturday morning I took off from my in-law's house in Kanab with my minature thoroughbred Boozer and drove 70 miles to the top of Kaibab National Forrest almost to the north rim. We were heading for Sowat Point which look's down into Jumpup Canyon and Kanab Creek. I had read about a trail that drop's 2000 ft in one mile off this point down into the canyon's below but had never been to it. It was a cool morning , the temp reading 38 degree's but sunny and soon to be freakin hot. It was a pretty drive following narrow dirt road's though the forrest. After a little more than an hour of driving the tree's began to thin and the world opend into sky and big canyons. Looking to the South I could see where Kanab hit the Grand. Sweet view to say the least. I was dissapointed to see their were a couple truck's parked at the trailhead. It did look like their might be enough land down there for more than one person though so I put on my pack and started down. My plan was to drop off this point then from the bottom hike over a couple mile stretch and drop into Sowat Canyon which then hit Jumpup Canyon and finally into Kanab Creek where their is rumors of a beautiful spring where I planned to drink , swim and walk around naked for the rest of the weekend. Well that didn't happen. It was a good goal but unrealistic for only a one night trip. Plus I was not physically prepared for that 2000 ft drop with a full pack on. Damn trail was steep. My calves were thrashed and cramping and we were only half way. The sun was beating down by this time and it for damn sure was not 38 degree's anymore. At one point Boozer looked up at me & said " I think we should postpone this hike unitl this platoon is better rested". I agreed 100 % but we were almost down now and climbing back up this mother of a mountain was not an option. We made it down weak in the leg's and wobblin but other wise in good spirit. Luckily we found water quickly which I was worried about because I did not have enough to last me let alone the dog. After lookin over the topo I had of the area I knew I did not have the time or energy to get anywhere near Kanab so I made peace with this and spent the day hiking around the red rock play ground. Really cool place with pottery , flint and overhangs where although not much at all was left you could easily picture the Anasazi ruins that stood here. I had a perfect night with a perfect view and slept like a wore out dog in the dirt, with my wore out dog next to me. Oh, and the hike back out was a cake walk compared to coming down.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Can't Live Here

Here as in society. It make's me weak sick and depressed. The only thing that get's me through a five day work week is the fact that my family need's food , shelter and gas money to get the hell out as soon as the bloody clock hit's five o'clock Friday afternoon. The last few month's that is exactly what we have been doing. Sloan the boy's and myself have only spent one weekend at our house in the last two month's. Sloan is about 6 month's pregnant now so I fear the 2008 family camping is about over. She is tuff so I'm sure she will be fine when Johnny, Chubbs and I take off into the hill's. The hard part for her will come when it get's to cold and I will no longer be able to take the two little hopped up badger's with me. This Friday evening we headed up to Pine Valley. We got a late start so the sun was already down behind the mountain by the time we turned on to the Grass Valley road. We usualy drive out by Pinto but being this late we chose a nice little camp site on a little hill looking out over Grass Valley itself. The temp went from a muggy 95 degree's down in shit town to a insanely pleasant 68 at our camp. I instantly felt strong , rejuvenated, and overly optimistic. In a fair world I would fill this five day's a week and the other crapola only two.